Stuck in a loop…
Spotted a word, made eye contact with the letters, flirted with the prologue and slowly escaped into a world of stories where one story merged into the other and every character had their own ongoing fanfiction.
The third stanza whispered her name. She looked up, I looked down. She reached out, I pulled back. There came a full stop in our story way before the comma.
A few paragraphs later we plucked words out of each other’s stories, weaved them into our own. The first twist, the antagonist stepped in, our stories became one and he became our first sin. The story went downhill. The thoughts began to kill.
Flipped through the pages, (forcefully) inserted extra lines, tried trial and error and the clawing inside aged like fine wine.
New chapters, new characters, new plotlines. Blurry words, blurry nights and blurry times.
A dot represented the end. Peace followed shortly after wearing a white gown. Silence reined but the insides screamed. The story wasn't complete...
The heart refused to take the leap,
But hope shone brighter than belief,
And then again...
Spotted a word, made eye contact with the letters, flirted with the prologue and slowly escaped into a world of stories where one story merged into the other and every character had their own ongoing fanfiction...
Ishika, stuck in a never ending loop